Monday, November 9, 2009

Welcome to The Midnight Minutes!

And so it starts....

I'll begin by welcoming you to The Midnight Minutes, a blog that I am starting with the goal of simply getting organizing my thoughts in a manner coherent enough that I deem them presentable to whoever finds their way onto this blog. I find that, over the course of any given day, I stumble across a number of interesting and thought-provoking news articles, but unless I take the time to solidify my thoughts I feel as though I haven't actually developed a coherent, well-reasoned opinion on the subject. Not to guarantee that everything on here will be coherent and well-reasoned, but putting something in writing is at least a much better start than trying to sort it out in my head. In that sense, this blog is its own reason for being; while I would certainly enjoy comments and debate about any of the topics that will be presented, I would also be content just to know that I've made some progress in developing my own understanding of the world, even if nobody ever reads my posts.

Now you have some understanding of my motivations, but what of my expertise? Frankly, I don't have much expertise in any specific subject area, and I haven't yet graduated from college, so my "real world" experience is minimal. However, the subjects that I hope to tackle are certainly of interest to me, and I hope that someday this blog will attract people who are experts and can help educate me on those subjects in which I am less informed.

So here I stand, unsure of what to expect from the future of my writing here but wholly convinced that this will be a positive learning experience. I'd like to update this blog every day, but knowing my schedule I think it will likely be every 2 or 3 days. Check back regularly, and please feel free to comment on anything and everything - I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Good night,

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"